
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

I couldn’t see Allah’s home even in Makkah Mukarrama

Ubqari Magazine - May 2013

While crying, she told that although her eyesight is very good and she does not wear spectacles but whenever she goes to Saudi Arabia, she is deprived of the happiness of seeing Baitullah Sharif even if she stands right in front of it.

How an oppressor lost his life?


This incident took place in our area recently. A man was very famous for his cruelty moreover, spreading mischief and provoking quarrel in other families was his hobby. He kept many dogs and had occupied a large estate through oppression and violence. Poor people were afraid of speaking in front of him. Some time ago, he was standing in his street in front of his door and saw that his dogs’ filth was spread everywhere around in front of his home. A poor man lived opposite to his home with his family. The cruel rich man called out that poor man, asked him to clean the filth by pointing at it and saying that it was his dogs’ (children’s) filth. The poor man refused to do so saying that his children did not do this rather it was the rich man’s pet dog’s filth then why should he clean it? The rich man became angry over this and started assaulting and beating the poor man. Listening to the noise, their wives also came at their doors. Meanwhile the rich man busted the poor man’s head still his anger did not come to an end. He said to the neighbors that he would bring a revolver from his home and kill the poor man. The rich man’s wife asked him in lamentation that he already had busted the poor man’s head how much more would he oppress him? Saying this, she held him and started crying but he did not stop and brought revolver from inside. Just as when that cruel man came back swiftly with his revolver, aiming it at the poor man; he struck against a stone and fell down. His wife thought that if he just stumbled then why wasn’t he getting up? She went forward and tried to lift him up but he was dead!!! Everyone was surprised that he died just because of striking against a stone and this news spread everywhere that how that cruel man reached to his admonitory end.

Stood in front of Baitullah but couldn’t see it!!!                                                                                                                 

A lady told that seven times she went for Hajj but she didn’t know why couldn’t she see Baitullah? While crying, she told that although her eyesight is very good and she does not wear spectacles but whenever she goes to Saudi Arabia, she is deprived of the happiness of seeing Baitullah Sharif even if she stands right in front of it. Weeping with grief, she told this thing to a pious man. He asked her to review her conducts as it might be a punishment for any of her bad deeds. After reconsidering for a long time she said that she did not do anything extremely bad in her life except that sometime ago when she was very poor and used to wash the dead bodies, some people used to give her extra money for hiding an amulet in the underarm of a dead body or for hiding an amulet in the shroud making sure that it may not fell down and she did it many times. She didn’t know for what purpose those amulets were and it might be the reason that she was deprived of the blessing of seeing Baitullah Sharif.

Bad end for playing false:

(Sayed Wajid Hussain Bukhari )

Haji Faiz Muhammad is a very close friend of mine, he told me about the bad end of those who play false in the measurement of cotton. I am describing it to the readers of Ubqari as it is.

Since 1957, I’m working as a broker, after that I started cotton business. Allah has blessed me with a special power that I detect instantly if someone tries to give short weight so nobody can cheat me. When the season starts and cotton comes in the market demand for the measurers rises and it is their only business that they measure cotton in the season for three to four months and remain free for the rest of the year. Some of the measurers are very honest and they spend their lives in peace but most of them know the art of weighing less although apparently they weigh honestly but while weighing they play some trick that when the owner weighs it again, it is 5 to 6 kg less then actual weight. They weigh almost hundreds of sacks daily in the same way which gives loss to the farmers and goes in benefit of brokers and by playing false, their demand rises in the season as they help the brokers getting more cotton than the actual price and they themselves earn more money for doing so. Alhamdulillah I know such false players and never let them enter my factory or shop because I know about the result of their deed.

I know hundreds of such measurers who earn a lot in the season but right after when the season is over, their money is also finished because ill-gotten wealth never prospers and they come to a stage when they have to beg even for cigarette but they never realize and wait for the next season.

Three favorite habits in the period of ignorance.

Hazrat Ibn-e-Abbas says that in the period of ignorance people had three good and favorite habits which Muslims are more entitled to perform:

1: Hospitality (they used to give great respect to their guests).

2: They never divorced their old wives so that they may not have to face hardships or pass away.

3: If any of their neighbors was indebted, together they helped him to pay it and if any one was ill or put into trouble, they used to help him.

Three habits which relish Iman:

Holy Prophet (pbuh) said that one cannot taste the relish of Iman unless he attains the following three habits:

1: Gentleness (toleration) because of which one tries to help the ignorant to get rid of his ignorance.

2: Fear of God (abstinence) because of which one can save him from unlawful acts.

3: Courtesy because of which one can treat people with politeness.

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